Making SDG 4 the cornerstone of the Future

About Us

The Education and Academia Stakeholder Group (EASG) ​brings together human rights-based education civil ​society organisations and academia organisations and ​networks that work on the right to education. We self-​organise to monitor and review the Sustainable ​Development Goals as an official UN stakeholder group.

The EASG is open to all organisations working for the full ​realisation of the right to free, inclusive, quality education ​for all, the implementation of Agenda 2030 and SDG 4 in ​particular.

Multi-ethnic adults education classroom

Education and academia at the United Nations

The primary role of the EASG is to ensure and facilitate meaningful ​participation of human rights-based education and academia ​organisations and networks in UN policy spaces, including in the ​follow-up and review of the SDGs at the High-Level Political Forum ​(HLPF). The EASG seeks to influences policy by ensuring effective ​participation in UN processes, including SDG implementation ​mechanisms and spaces at global, regional and national levels.

Such participation is brought about through coordinated advocacy ​at all levels; developing informed research-based advocacy ​messages, materials, and analysis; and engaging in communications ​and media work to raise awareness of critical educational issues – ​including both progress made and eventual drawbacks – in order to ​hold governments to account and push for the realisation of human ​rights.

UN Flag Waved against the Sun and Blue Sky.

Education as a right

The EASG underlines that the right to education begins at birth and traverses all ages, recognising all people – from Early Childhood Care and Education up to Adult Education, including older persons – as subjects of rights. For the right to be fulfilled, availability, accessibility, acceptability and adaptability of education must be ensured. Noncompliance with any of these dimensions, will result in violation of the right.

The EASG understands that to tackle and overcome structural economic, social and environmental crises as well as intersecting inequalities and multiple forms of discrimination based on gender, age, class, caste, race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, gender identity, disabilities, and other status it must work in dialogue and collaboration with all MGoS and Civil Society Organisations from different sectors.



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Organising partners

Global Campaign for ​Education

The Global Campaign for Education ​(GCE) is an international coalition ​advocating for universal, quality ​education. It promotes policy changes ​and mobilizes resources to ensure ​inclusive and equitable education for all.

International Council for ​Adult Education

The International Council for Adult ​Education (ICAE) is a global network ​promoting adult learning and education. ​It advocates for policies and practices ​that support lifelong learning and ​equitable access to education for adults ​worldwide.

Global Student Forum

The Global Student Forum (GSF) is a ​global umbrella organisation for student ​organizations. It advocates for student ​rights, quality education, and equitable ​access to learning opportunities ​worldwide.


And many more

Join the EASG

The EASG is open to all organisations working for the full realisation of the right to free, inclusive quality education for all, the implementation of Agenda 2030, and of SDG 4 in particular.


To join the EASG, your organisation must live up to the EASG membership criteria. These involve matters such as a commitment to promoting human rights and dignity for all, supporting peaceful conflict resolution, and working towards the enhancement of democracy and social justice. Read all the criteria by clicking Apply Now.

Get Updates from EASG

Keep yourself informed about the latest developments ​and initiatives from the Education and Academia ​Stakeholder Group (EASG). Stay connected to learn ​about ongoing projects, research, and contributions to ​the field of education and academia at the UN.

Masters of business administration course in East Asia.

Contact organising partners

Global Campaign for Education

Vernor Muñoz

International Council for Adult Education

Katarina Popović

Global Student Forum

Jacob Blasius

book tree symbol education

© 2024 Education & Academia Stakeholder Group